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Secure and AI-native workflow automation tool for technical people. Insert code when you need it. Full source code and self-host available. Try it now.

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  • General Capabilities

    Secure, AI-native workflow automation. Allows creation and management of automated workflows. Self-hostable with full source code available. Over 400 integrations with various services including popular platforms like Google Sheets, Slack, and GitHub. Huge community support with 55,385 community members.

  • Advanced AI Integration

    Build autonomous, multi-step agents. Chat with your own data/tools. Plug into your own products. Use any model (including self-hosted).

  • Development Flexibility

    Code in JavaScript or Python. Use external npm or Python libraries. Import cURL requests. "Run, tweak, repeat" development cycle, promoting iterative building and short feedback loops.

  • Operational Efficiency

    Save significant time with automated workflows (e.g., 50 minutes saved per workflow run in IT Ops). Automations can provision accounts and onboard new joiners efficiently.

  • Enterprise Features

    Multiple environments synced via Git (Dev, Stage, Prod). Single Sign-On (SSO) and LDAP support. SOC2 Compliant. Fully on-premises options for enhanced security. External logging support. Advanced Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) permissions.


Starter Plan

€20/month (20% off for annual billing)

  • ✓ 2,500 workflow executions with unlimited steps
  • ✓ 5 active workflows and unlimited test workflows
  • ✓ Hosted by n8n
  • ✓ 1 shared project
  • ✓ Unlimited users
  • ✓ Forum support
  • ✓ Start free trial available

Pro Plan

€50/month for 10k workflow executions and 15 active workflows, €120/month for 50k workflow executions and 50 active workflows, custom plans available

  • ✓ Everything in Starter plan
  • ✓ 3 shared projects
  • ✓ Admin roles
  • ✓ Global variables
  • ✓ Workflow history (up to 5 days)
  • ✓ Execution search
  • ✓ Debug in editor
  • ✓ Hosted by n8n
  • ✓ Start free trial available

Enterprise Plan

Contact for a quote

  • ✓ Unlimited workflow executions with unlimited steps
  • ✓ Up to unlimited active workflows and unlimited test workflows
  • ✓ Self-hosted (or hosted by n8n)
  • ✓ Everything in Pro plan
  • ✓ Unlimited shared projects
  • ✓ SSO SAML and LDAP
  • ✓ Different environments
  • ✓ External secret store integration
  • ✓ Log streaming
  • ✓ Version control using Git
  • ✓ Scaling options
  • ✓ Extended data retention
  • ✓ Dedicated support with SLA
  • ✓ Invoice billing

Community Edition

[No information available]

  • ✓ Basic version of n8n available on GitHub

Startup Plan

[No information available]

  • ✓ For startups with up to 20 employees that raised up to $5M
  • ✓ Consult provided link for more information

Use Cases

Lead Automation

Automate lead generation and management tasks to streamline sales processes.


  • Automate the collection and distribution of leads across sales teams.
  • Enhance accuracy of lead scoring and follow-ups.

Supercharge Your CRM

Enhance CRM functionalities with seamless data integration and automation to improve customer relationship management.


  • Automate customer follow-ups based on triggers.
  • Sync new data across CRM platforms to keep information updated.

Limitless Integrations

Integrate various tools and services without constraints, creating custom workflows that connect different applications.


  • Develop workflows that synchronize data between disparate systems.
  • Use n8n's integrations to automate multi-platform reporting.

Backend Prototyping

Rapidly prototype backend systems to validate ideas and develop proof-of-concept solutions with minimal coding.


  • Quickly build backend services to support new features.
  • Validate new architectural designs before full implementation.

Save Engineering Resources

Optimize engineering resources by automating repetitive tasks and processes, allowing teams to focus on high-value activities.


  • Automate deployment processes to reduce time spent on manual setups.
  • Monitor and automatically resolve specified system alerts.

Security Operations (SecOps)

Enhance security incident response by enriching security tickets and automating security workflows.


  • Integrate security tools to automate alert responses.
  • Use workflows to annotate security tickets with additional context.

Embedded Automation

Embed automation capabilities directly into products for enhanced functionality and improved user experience.


  • Allow users to set up custom alerts or reports within an application.
  • Provide API endpoints for triggering automated workflows directly from user actions.

AI Integration

Plug AI into your data and tools, build autonomous agents, and use any AI model to create intelligent automation workflows.


  • Leverage NLP models to automate customer service responses.
  • Use machine learning to dynamically adjust workflow processes based on data trends.

Onboard New Joiners and Provision Accounts (IT Ops)

Automates the setup of accounts and resources for new employees, significantly reducing manual effort and saving time.


  • Auto-create user accounts across multiple systems.
  • Assign relevant resources and permissions based on role.

Enrich Security Incident Tickets (SecOps)

Automates the enrichment of security tickets with additional context and data, making incident management more efficient.


  • Gather data from multiple sources to augment security incidents.
  • Automate the prioritization of incidents based on risk assessment.

Analyze GitHub PRs for Vulnerabilities (DevOps)

Uses AI to analyze pull requests for vulnerabilities, improving code security and quality.


  • Run automated static code analysis on new pull requests.
  • Identify potential security flaws before they are merged.

Enhance Sales Data (Sales)

Automatically enrich new HubSpot company records by analyzing their websites, providing more comprehensive sales data.


  • Fetch additional company details using web scraping.
  • Integrate third-party data sources to augment CRM information.

Additional Information

N8n is a powerful tool designed for automating workflows, integrating services, and building complex automation with ease. With its ability to connect over 400 different services and support for both cloud and on-premises deployments, N8n provides a flexible and secure environment for businesses looking to streamline operations. Featuring an open-source model, it allows customization and extension, making it ideal for developers and enterprises alike. The inclusion of advanced AI capabilities and numerous predefined integrations helps teams to rapidly build, modify, and scale automation workflows across various business functions.